Ginger Fisher, PhD

Adjunct Associate Professor in Biology


Dr. Fisher is the Assistant Dean of the College for Pre-Professional Advising. She received her BS degree in Biology and Environmental Health from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania and her Masters and PhD in Aquatic Physiology from Wake Forest University. Her early research focused on the physiology of aquatic organisms including unionid freshwater mussels and the marine copepod tigriopus californicus. She then moved to the area of Biology Education Research where she examined the development and impact of course-based undergraduate research experiences on students’ science identity, motivation and attitude. In her time as an Associate Professor of Biology at the University of Northern Colorado she taught a variety of courses including Introductory Biology, Physiological Ecology, Marine Biology and Foundations of Clinical Research. She also developed and directed the masters in Biomedical Science program at the university. She has won numerous awards, including the Donald Bletz Award for Outstanding Teaching, the Natural and Health Sciences Excellence in Advising and Excellence in Leadership Awards as Center for Human Enrichment Outstanding Faculty and Staff award. Dr. Fisher teaches UNIV1210 Practical Experience in the Clinical Environment.